APRIL  2016

April 2016 was a dry and unusually warm autumn month.
The rainfall total of 31.6 millimetres was 14 mm lower than the average, and was the third consecutive month with below average rain.
It was the warmest April for eleven years, based on maximum temperatures, and was the third warmest April on record (from 125 years of records). Day temperatures were well above average in the first week of the month with unusually high maximums on the 6th and 7th - see below. Overnight temperatures were also well above the long term average resulting in no frosts.
There were a number of low pressure troughs over New South Wales during the month drawing in warm air from the centre of Australia, these troughs also caused thunderstorm activity to be much higher than normal with storms on five days.
Prevailing winds were mostly light easterlies.

Noteworthy Events
6th & 7th - the maximum temperatures of 28.0 deg on both these days were the highest April temperatures since 5th April 1986 (28.4 deg). The unusually warm conditions were caused by very warm north-westerly winds ahead of a slow moving cold front and trough.


APRIL 2016 STATISTICS  (long term averages in brackets)

Rainfall:  31.6 mm  (45.3 mm)

Rain days:  10  (8)
2016 rainfall total Jan to Apr:  205.4 mm  (300.0 mm)

Average maximum temp:  22.8 deg  (20.0 deg)   

Average minimum temp:  8.5 deg  (6.4 deg)   

Highest maximum temp:  28.0 deg on the 6th & 7th

Lowest maximum temp:  15.8 deg on the 25th

Highest minimum temp:  13.9 deg on the 8th

Lowest minimum temp:  3.4 deg on the 1st

Fine sunny days:  9  (16)

Ideal weather days:  2  (3)

Days with thunderstorms:  5  (1)

Days with frosts:  0  (5)    

Days with fogs:  7  (5)

Wind direction at airport at 3pm & number of days:  E: 11,  W: 7,  ESE: 6,  NW: 2,  SW: 2,  N: 1,  S: 1 

Average daily pan evaporation:  2.8 mm  (2.5 mm)

Thunderstorm details:

8th:    4.55-6.15pm - moderate storm, heavy rain, flash flooding - 15.0 mm rain
9th:    4.15-7.30pm - slight and moderate storms from west
10th:   10.05-10.45am - slight storm from west
          12.30-1.15pm - thunder heard in north
          8.00-8.30pm - slight storm from west
18th:   5.15-6.45pm - moderate storm from west, light rain - 0.6 mm rain
22nd:  10.10pm-12.00 midnight - moderate storm from SW - 1.4 m rain        

April 2016 daily data