JUNE  2013


June 2013 was a cold cloudy month with good falls of rain
The rainfall total of 79.8 millimetres was 25 mm higher than the average with several moderate falls, the highest being 18.2 mm on the 10th.
It was the cloudiest June since 2007 with just 6 sunny days. As a result overnight temperatures were milder than normal causing frosts to be less severe than normal for the first month of winter. Day temperatures were close to the long term average and there were no notable extremes.
Winds were lighter than normal and were mostly westerlies.

Noteworthy events:
- Low temperatures, showers and snow occurred along the Northern Tablelands during the morning. An upper level cold pool combined with showers being pushed northwards from a low pressure system near Sydney produced the very cold conditions. Armidale’s maximum temperature was 7.4 deg. Snow settled briefly on the ground in the Guyra/ Black Mountain/Ben Lomond areas, and further east around Ebor. There was no snow in Armidale with just 2.4 mm of rain recorded from showers.


JUNE 2013 STATISTICS  (long term averages in brackets)

Rainfall:  79.8 mm  (55.1 mm)

Rain days:  11  (10)
2012 rainfall total Jan to Jun:  412.6 mm  (399.5 mm)

Average maximum temp:  13.2 deg  (13.1 deg)   

Average minimum temp:  2.1 deg  (0.7 deg)   

Highest maximum temp:  18.3 deg on the 12th 

Lowest maximum temp:  7.4 deg on the 25th

Highest minimum temp:  9.1 deg on the 2nd 

Lowest minimum temp:  -4.6 deg on the 4th    

Fine sunny days:  6  (13.5)

Ideal weather days:  0  (4)

Days with thunderstorms:  1  (0.4)

Days with frosts:  14  (17)  light: 4,  moderate: 8,  severe: 2    

Days with fogs:  6  (4)

Wind direction at 3pm & number of days:  W: 12,  E: 9,  SW: 4,  NE: 1,  SE: 1, S: 1,  NW: 1,  Calm: 1 

Average daily pan evaporation:  1.0 mm  (1.2 mm)

Thunderstorm details:

12th:  5.30-5.45pm - slight storm from north-west