JULY  2013

July 2013 was dry and unusually mild.
The rain total of 18.6 millimetres was less than half the long term average with the highest daily fall being 9.4 mm on the 20th.
It was a mostly cloudy month with only 11 sunny days, however day temperatures averaged at the highest for the month of July since 1993, and was also the second highest on record from 122 years of temperature records. Overnight minimums were slightly higher than normal.

There was one notable temperature extreme - see below.
The number of frosts was close to normal, but the mild conditions reduced their severity with only three severe frosts occurring.
Winds were unusually light and were predominantly westerlies.

Noteworthy events:
18th - The maximum temperature of 19.9 degrees was the highest for July since 24th July 1990 (20.0 deg), and was the second highest July temperature on record. The unusually mild conditions on the 18th were caused by warm north-westerly winds being pushed ahead of a low pressure trough moving across New South Wales from the west.


JULY 2013 STATISTICS  (long term averages in brackets)

Rainfall:  18.6 mm  (48.4 mm)

Rain days:  7  (9)
2013 rainfall total Jan to Jul:  431.2 mm  (447.9 mm)

Average maximum temp:  14.6 deg  (12.4 deg)   

Average minimum temp:  0.5 deg  (-0.3 deg)   

Highest maximum temp:  19.9 deg on the 18th 

Lowest maximum temp:  9.6 deg on the 23rd 

Highest minimum temp:  7.9 deg on the 20th 

Lowest minimum temp:  -6.8 deg on the 27th 

Fine sunny days:  11  (15)

Ideal weather days:  4  (4)

Days with thunderstorms:  0  (0.3)

Days with frosts:  20  (19)  light: 7,  moderate: 10,  severe: 3    

Days with fogs:  7  (3)

Wind direction at 3pm & number of days:  W: 14,  E: 7,  SW: 4,  SE: 3,  N: 1,  NE: 1,  NW: 1 

Average daily pan evaporation:  1.2 mm  (1.4 mm)