The Weather at
Guyra NSW
A compilation of present and past weather at Guyra
NSW Australia
Guyra is located on the Northern
Tablelands of New South Wales, elevation 1332 metres
This website has been prepared with information supplied
by Jeff Martin, Observer for Bureau of Meteorology at Guyra
Image: Tornado near Ben Lomond, 20 kms north of Guyra,
23rd November 2013. Image by Australian Severe Weather
The town of Guyra is
literally at the top of the range on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales
with the Great Divide running right through the town itself. The Bureau of
Meteorology weather station is located in the grounds of the Guyra Hospital at an elevation of 1332 metres.
This station has been in operation since August 1981.
Prior to this the post office operated a weather station from 1911 to 1972 with
a number of gaps. Rainfall has been recorded for a longer period starting in
1886 at the post office.
Readings were taken twice daily at the hospital at 9am and 3pm until 1st August
2015 when it was reduced to 9am only.
farm/home rainfall recordings. PDF format - printable.
Weather Conditions
temperature, humidity, wind and rainfall in Guyra here.
Note: This is a privately owned weather station in North Guyra.
Data recorded here will vary slightly from the official station at the Guyra
Conditions are updated every few minutes through the Weather Underground
website. If temperatures are displayed in Farenheit,
go to the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen and set to
degrees C.
Recent Weather
Last three 9am observations from the Bureau weather
station at the Guyra Hospital here.
Data Files
Daily data for this month and the previous 12 months here.
Climate averages and extremes for Guyra Post Office here.
This set of statistics uses rainfall data from 1886,
but temperature data is limited to the period 1911 to 1956 with a few missing
years, and 1965 to 1972.
Climate averages and extremes for Guyra Hospital
This set of statistics uses rainfall and temperature data from 1981 which means
the rainfall averages are not reliable for such a relatively short period. It
is recommended that rainfall averages from the post office site be used for
greater accuracy.
About Guyra’s
Guyra is the highest town on the Northern Tablelands
and as such records the lowest day time temperatures in the region. Overnight
temperatures however, particularly in the winter months, are frequently higher
than nearby Armidale and Glen Innes. This is because Guyra
is at the top of an exposed plateau where the wind may blow all night, whereas
Armidale and Glen Innes are in protected valleys where cold air drainage and
temperature inversions are common events allowing overnight temperatures to
drop to lower levels.
If you want to see snow on the Northern Tablelands, Guyra
is the place to be with an average of five snowfalls per year. Most years Guyra manages at least one good snowfall with snow several centimetres deep on the ground, easily enough to build a
good sized snow person! During such events the New England Highway is often
closed to the north and south of the town for a few hours or maybe a full
Guyra's climate can be summed up as mild to warm in
summer and cold in winter.
Highest maximum: 37.8C on 15th January 1939
Lowest maximum: -0.3C on 3rd July 1984
during heavy snowfalls
Lowest minimum: -7.8C on 26th June 1971
Guyra Weather News 2025
term average in brackets)
Rainfall: 37.0 mm (102 mm) on 6 days
Average maximum temp: 24.1C (23.2C)
Average minimum temp: 12.2C (11.8C)
Highest: 30.1C on the 28th
Lowest maximum temp: 20.8C on the
Lowest: 5.0C on the 17th
Frosts: 0 (0)
Sunny days: 14 (12)
Days with thunder: 5 (5)
Complete February
2025 data table (PDF
Guyra Weather News 2024
2024 - SECOND WARMEST YEAR ON RECORD - 2024 was Australia’s
second warmest year on record, and it was also Guyra’s
second warmest on record (from 86 complete years of data commencing in 1911)
with the mean temperature for the year exceeding the long term average by
1.26C. Temperatures were above average in all months except July. The warmest
year on record was the drought year of 2019 with the mean temperature exceeding
the long term average by 1.50C.
See 2024 Yearly Statistics Table.
2024 RAINFALL: 826.6 mm, 51
mm lower than the average.
BROKEN - Guyra, along with other regions
in New South Wales, experienced unseasonably warm conditions in the second half
of August with temperatures reaching 18.0C or higher on 9 days with the highest
of 22.0C on the 30th being the warmest for August for 15 years.
The unusually warm end to winter was caused by a number of low pressure troughs
and fast moving fronts bringing warm air into New South Wales from central
The following new August records were created during August 2024:
Average maximum temperature 15.5C -
highest since 2009 when it was 16.2C
Average minimum 4.8C - highest on
record from 91 years of records
Daily maximum temperature of 22.0C on
the 30th - highest since 24th August 2009 when it was 25.2C
Daily minimum temperature (warmest
night) of 14.1C on the 31st - highest on record from 50 years of records.
Previous highest 12.6C on 25th August 2009
JULY SNOWFALLS - 15th-17th July - A deep low pressure system near
Tasmania directed cold air from the Southern Ocean into New South Wales from
the 15th to the 17th. Upper level cold air combined with this system to produce
very low temperatures and snowfalls over the Central Tablelands, Barrington
Tops and Northern Tablelands, with some light snow also falling in southern
In Guyra light snow fell in the early morning of the
15th with some settling on the ground. On the 16th intermittent snow, moderate
to heavy at times, and sago snow (ice pellets) fell throughout the day with
little or no settling. On the 17th intermittent small
snowflakes fell throughout the day with no settling.
Minimum/Maximum temperatures: 15th: 1.0C/6.1C, 16th: -0.8C/4.6C, 17th:
Strong winds on the 16th caused wind chill temperatures to drop as low as -6C
during the morning.
The maximum of 3.8C on the 17th was the lowest (coldest day) in Guyra since 10th June 2021 (2.5C).
HAIL AND SNOW - 18th May - A surface low
pressure trough combined with an upper level disturbance generated clusters of
thunderstorms over north-east New South Wales during the afternoon. Storms
passed over Guyra between 3 and 4pm with rain and
hail which whitened the ground. After the storms the temperature dropped to
1.5C with brief flurries of snow which did not settle.
a total of 135 mm, 84 mm higher than the average, it was the wettest April
since 2003 which recorded 136 mm. The unusually high rainfall was caused by
numerous low pressure troughs developing over inland northern New South Wales
during the month.
Guyra Weather News 2023
2023 RAINFALL: 845.4
mm, 33 mm lower than the average.
of 2.0 mm was the lowest on record from 135 years of records. The
previous lowest was 5.1 mm in 1925. The abnormally dry conditions were caused
by a developing El
Nino event in the Pacific Ocean, and a number of strong high pressure
systems moving across the north of New South Wales confining rain bearing
systems to southern and central parts of the state. The dry sunny conditions
also promoted warmer than normal day temperatures - see below.
WARMEST SEPTEMBER FOR 10 YEARS - The average maximum temperature of 19.1C was the
highest for the month of September since 2013 (19.3C).
WARMEST AUGUST FOR 14 YEARS - The average maximum temperature of 15.3C was the highest for the month
of August since 2009 16.2C).
WARMEST JULY DAY FOR 7 YEARS - 30th July - The maximum temperature of 17.9C was the
highest for July since 19th July 2016 when it reached 18.7C which was also the
highest on record for July.
Guyra Weather News 2022
2022 RAINFALL: 1,086.6 mm, 210 mm or 24 per cent
higher than the average. Rainfall was above average in eight months of the year
with 2022 being the third consecutive year with well above average rainfall.
(2020: 978 mm, 2021: 1200 mm)
COOLEST DECEMBER FOR 11 YEARS - It was unusually cool for the first month of summer.
Maximum temperatures averaged 21.0C , lowest since
2011 (19.1C). The average minimum of 7.0C was the lowest on
record for December. Previous lowest was 7.3C in *1924.
(*From 88 years of records. Note there are some gaps in the temperature
database prior to 1981.)
YEARS - 1st December - It was an overcast
drizzly day with cool easterly winds which restricted the maximum temperature
to just 10.9C. This is 11 degrees lower than the average, and was Guyra’s coolest
December day since 6th December 2003 (10.7C).
COLDEST NOVEMBER DAY & NIGHT FOR 16 YEARS - 2nd/3rd November - The maximum temperature of 9.4C on the 3rd was the lowest
for the month of November since 16th November 2006 (8.2C), and the minimum of
-1.5C on the 3rd was the lowest for November since 17th November 2006 (-2.6C).
The unseasonally cold conditions were caused by cold
air following a front and trough which passed through eastern New South Wales
on the 1st and 2nd.
- A fast moving severe cold front passed
through the Northern Tablelands bringing strong winds, showers, low
temperatures, and snow to the higher areas in the evening. In Guyra a ten minute shower of hail at around 6pm was
followed by moderate to heavy snow showers from around 7pm to 8pm easing to
intermittent light snow showers for the remainder of the evening. Snow settled
on the ground to a depth of 4 to 6 cms, and was still
on the ground the following morning, melting later in the day. Temperatures hovered
around zero to -1C from 7pm during the snowfalls.
OF THE YEAR -13th July - Light snow fell from around 11.30am for
about 20 minutes but did not settle on the ground. Light showers of sago snow
then occurred intermittently until around 5pm. Maximum temperature was 5.1C,
but dropped to 1.0C at 11.45am during the morning snowfall. Cold south-westerly
winds combined with upper level cold air following the passage of a cold front
and trough caused the snowy conditions.
COOLEST FEBRUARY FOR 34 YEARS - With numerous cloudy days and higher
than normal rainfall, February 2022 was the coolest February since 1988.
Maximum temperatures averaged just 20.3C for the month and temperatures reached
25.0C or higher on only two days.
Guyra Weather News Archive
Weather news from
previous years here.
Yearly Statistics Tables
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Average yearly temperatures
since 1982. The dotted line is the 10 year average.
Snow Dates
Dates on which it has snowed in Guyra since 1982, including light
non-settling falls.
Annual average 4.6 snow days.
1982: 5 days: 21/6,
22/6, 19/7, 20/7,
1983: 5 days: 27/6,
8/7, 1/8, 28/8,
1984: 8 days: 29/6,
30/6, 3/7, 4/7,
5/7, 11/8, 12/8,
1985: 9 days: 20/5,
21/5, 5/6, 6/6,
21/6, 19/7, 8/8,
2/9, 3/9
1986: 3 days: 23/6,
9/7, 6/8
1987: 3 days: 28/5,
23/7, 1/9
1988: 2 days: 8/8,
1989: 11 days: 10/6,
11/6, 21/6, 22/6,
24/6, 17/7, 18/7,
23/7, 24/7, 8/8,
1990: 8 days: 28/6,
2/7, 3/7, 3/8, 10/8,
23/8, 26/8, 22/10
1991: 6 days: 13/6,
10/7, 11/7, 14/7,
24/8, 12/9
1992: 10 days: 11/6,
24/6, 25/6, 26/6,
10/7, 20/7, 8/8,
13/8, 16/9, 29/9
1993: 1 day: 4/8
1994: 8 days: 13/4,
28/6, 30/7, 31/7,
21/8, 21/9, 27/9,
1995: 4 days: 17/6,
21/6, 19/7, 28/7
1996: 8 days: 12/7,
13/7, 14/7, 15/7,
21/7, 30/7, 19/8,
1997: 0 days
1998: 5 days: 23/6,
30/6, 29/7, 30/7,
1999: 3 days: 16/6,
14/8, 15/8
2000: 10 days: 28/5,
29/5, 30/5, 31/5,
1/6, 30/6, 27/7,
28/7, 24/8, 25/8
2001: 4 days: 7/7,
8/7, 26/8, 27/8
2002: 0 days
2003: 2 days: 24/7,
2004: 6 days: 20/6,
8/7, 17/7, 18/7,
5/8, 18/8
2005: 4 days: 22/6,
23/6, 10/7, 17/9
2006: 3 days: 4/8,
7/9, 16/11
2007: 9 days: 8/6,
9/6, 19/6, 20/6,
27/6, 28/6, 8/7,
9/7, 10/7
2008: 9 days: 17/5,
18/5, 9/7, 27/7, 28/7, 5/8, 6/8, 23/8, 22/10
2009: 2 days: 10/6,
2010: 5 days: 3/7,
2/8, 12/8, 26/8,
2011: 5 days: 19/7,
9/8, 18/8, 10/9,
2012: 4 days: 5/6,
28/7, 1/8, 12/10
2013: 1 day: 25/6
2014: 5 days: 3/5,
4/5, 30/6, 18/7,
2015: 6 days: 5/6,
12/7, 13/7, 16/7,
17/7, 6/8
2016: 4 days: 24/6,
27/6, 5/7, 6/7
2017: 0 days
2018: 2 days: 18/6,
2019: 4 days: 4/6,
10/8, 11/8, 9/9
2020: 4 days: 2/6,
22/6, 13/7, 9/8
2021: 9 days: 9/6,
10/6, 11/6, 20/7,
21/7, 24/8, 25/8,
14/9, 21/9
2022: 2 days: 13/7,
2023: 0 days
2024: 4 days: 18/5,
15/7, 16/7, 17/7
Details of Guyra
Snowfalls since 2006
Gallery of Northern
Tablelands snow photographs 1984 to 2015
The January 1939 Heatwave
During the middle of January 1939 a severe heatwave affected south-east
Australia with record high temperatures recorded in Sydney, Melbourne and
Adelaide as well as a number of towns in northern New South Wales.
The following maximum temperatures were recorded in Guyra:
January 10th: 33.9C, 11th: 34.4C, 12th: 33.9C,
13th: 35.0C, 14th: 35.6C, 15th:
37.8C, 16th: 35.6C, 17th: 33.3C.
The maximum of 37.8C on the 15th is the highest on record for Guyra.
On the same day nearby Armidale also recorded its highest temperature on record
of 39.7C.
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